Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bioshock Review (By Carter)

Irrational games are known for making story based first person shooters like system shock 2. However, all of there games have been on the PC. Irrational's transition to the consoles has been magnificent with the game Bioshock.
The story pulls you in from the moment you step into Rapture. Characters like Andrew Ryan and Atlas make this game a worthwhile experience, even if the gameplay was horrible. With a plot twist that will make you question all of your past actions, Bioshock's story is one for the ages.
The sound design of this game is near perfect. All the gunshots are on key, and the voice acting is superb. The comments the splicers make as you watch them walk around add to the feel of the game, and the music fits in with the theme.
The graphic of Bioshock are amazing. Even though it was made 3 years ago, it is on par withsome of the graphics in games today. The graphics make the game even more immersive.
Bioshock is fun. The controls are tight and responsive, and the guns are well balanced. However the gameplay really shines with the plasmids. Plasmids are powers, like incinerate and telekinesis. They create a variety in gameplay and give the players the ability to be creative.
Bottom Line

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