Monday, October 25, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Review (By Carter)

Developer- Bioware
Publisher- EA

Bioware has been known for creating epic role playing experiences like Mass Effect, Dragon Age Origins, and Jade Empire. However, none
of them even compare to Mass Effect 2.

Mass Effect 2 has a great story, in typical Biow
are fashion. Every plot point is well developed, and the story overall makes sense. The writing is fantastic, and that shows in the characters. All characters are well developed, but not all characters are good. Some characters, Like Jack, were hard to connect with. She was so different that it was hard to connect with some of the problems that she was facing. However, for every one bad character, there are three spectacular characters. Some that come to mind include Thane, Mordin, and Garrius. All three characters are very well developed, and are easily connected with. Overall the story is very excellent. Mass Effect 2 looks incredible. All the faces show real emotions, thought the lip syncing is still average. The planet design is pretty incredible and they all are very unique. The music is pretty epic, as most music in Bioware games are. Especially towards the end, the music ramps up with the feeling of heroism. You are the hero and you are here to save the day, and the music really represents that well.

Mass Effect 2 fixes all of the problems with Mass Effect's gameplay. The cover system is more polished, the annoying driving sequences are gone, and the messy inventory system has been fixed. The gun play has also been fixed. Mass Effect 2 feels like a real 3rd person shooter, which no RPG has ever accomplished. The controls are tight and responsive.

Mass Effect 2 has tremendous replay value. The g
ame can be experienced multiple times with a different result each time. The Renegade/Paragon system creates many different dialogue options. Mass Effect 2 has a large replay value.

Story- 10 story is fantastic
Presentation- 10 graphics and sound are awesome
Gameplay- 9.5 gun play enhanced to 3rd person shooter level, inventory and driving fixed
Replay Value- 10 play through it multiple times and have a different experience each time

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