Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mass Effect 2 Review (By Carter)

Bioware is known for creating epic RPG experiences. With games like Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic under their belt, its hard to doubt that Bioware is the best at making western RPG's. This legacy continues with Mass Effect.
Like all Bioware games, Mass Effect has a gripping, intense story. The story is very creative with a lot of elements never seen before. However some of it has been seen before, so it kind of wears thin at those points.
The sound design of Mass Effect is incredible. The score is epic, reminding me of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. I think that is going to be a common theme.
The graphics of this game are good, but not spectacular. However, it is one of the best looking RPG's out there. The faces look pretty life like, but the lip syncing is very average.
The gameplay is a giant leap up for RPG's, but the leap is from mediocre to average. The 3rd person shooter style works and the cover system is fine,but its all just average.
Bottom line

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